AlwaysAsking.com Podcast
This podcast is a journey to discover, explain, and share answers to humanity’s deepest questions. Topics include: reality, existence, and the origin of the universe. The nature and potentiality of consciousness. Time, freewill, and subjective illusions. God, afterlives, and commonality between religions. The distant past, far future, and ultimate limits of technology. Join us in our search for answers to the life's mysteries! We strictly use logic, rationality, evidence, and the latest tools and theories of science to wrestle from nature answers to age-old questions.
Podcasting since 2020 • 9 episodes
AlwaysAsking.com Podcast
Latest Episodes
Why does anything exist? - AlwaysAsking.com
Why does anything exist? Why is there something rather than nothing? Wouldn’t nothing have been so much easier?Every society in every time has wrestled with this dilemma. It’s our most enduring question. For we all seek to know: why ...
Episode 9

What is the meaning of life? - AlwaysAsking.com
What is the meaning of life? It’s a question everyone has wondered about at some point in their life. Is there even an answer?Each of us has somehow found our way into this world. But for what purpose or reason are we here? What’s the po...
Episode 8

Was the universe made for life? - AlwaysAsking.com
Was the universe made for life? In other words, were physical laws and constants of nature somehow chosen to allow for complex life?Over the last century, physicists and cosmologists made a series of disturbing discoveries: cosmic coinci...
Episode 7

Is there life after death? - AlwaysAsking.com
Is there an afterlife or is this the only life we get? Most believe science says there is no afterlife. But this view, while common, is wrong.In today's episode, we will consider the question of what we experience after death. Is there ...
Episode 6